2024 Autumn / Winter Collection

efinFolk 13th collection
[ The Little Witch ]
eLfinFolk 13 回目となる 2024AW のテーマは、
見た目は小さいけれど あなどるなかれ。魔法の力で今日も王国の困った人を助けに、空を飛んでいます。
魔法学校の制服のようなエンブ レムポロシャツ、真っ黒いベロアドレス、
白黒ボーダーのレギンス、とんがり HAT など、
黒をメインカラーにした魔女のようなコーディネートが楽 しめるコレクションです。
[ The Little Witch ]
The theme of eLfinFolk’s 13th 2024AW is
the story of a small witch living in a certain kingdom.
She is a little witch with many magical powers, such as casting spells to put people to sleep,
transforming with a magic wand, disappearing in a witch’s cloak, and flying on a broomstick.
When she fails, her black cat partner always makes fun of her,
but she doesn’t care and ends up transforming the black cat into a pochette.
Although it looks small Don’t underestimate me. With the power of magic,
he continues to fly through the sky today to help those in trouble in his kingdom.
A collection inspired by a small witch like Kiki,
the main character in Studio Ghibli’s “Kiki’s Delivery Service” directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Mainly black, including a black coat with a pointy hood that looks like a witch’s cloak,
an original print studded with spells to defeat dragons,
an emblem polo shirt that looks like a magic school uniform,
a jet black velor dress, leggings with black and white borders, and a pointy HAT.
This is a collection where you can enjoy coordinating your outfits in colors that look like witches.